Facebook - Big Brother ?

06. oct 11 | Catégories : | Commentaires : 1

The Guardian a publié un article très intéressant sur Facebook écrit par Adrian Short.

Facebook est en train de devenir la plus grande menace pour la vie privée de chacun avec son OpenGraph, ceci avec l'accord de millions d'utilisateurs !

Voici quelques passages intéressants de l'article:

It's a cliché but worth repeating: if you're not paying for it, you're aren't the customer, you're the product.

Perhaps none of this would matter very much if the biggest player of them all – Facebook – wasn't such a grotesque abuser of its position.

Facebook's abuse of its Like button to invade people's privacy is much less publicised

What Facebook is doing is very different. When it records our activity away from the Facebook site it's a third party to the deal.

Vous ne savez pas ce que OpenGraph nous réserve ??

Facebook's Open Graph technology allows third-party websites to tell Facebook what people are doing. It extends Facebook's Like button to include any action that the site owners think might be interesting to Facebook. Play a song and your music streaming site tells Facebook what you've played. Read a newspaper article and Facebook knows what you've read. LOL at a lolcat and your LOL gets logged for all time on your indelible activity record. Facebook calls this "frictionless sharing", which is its euphemism for silent total surveillance. Once you've signed up for this (and it is optional; at least for now) you don't need to do anything else to "share" your activity with Facebook. It's completely automatic.


No facebook

Facebook n'est pas un outil de communication,

Facebook n'est pas un outil pour être en contact avec ses proches ou ses amis,

Facebook est un outil commercial qui rabaisse l'humain à un rang de pur produit marketing et ceci à notre insu - Mais est ce réellement à notre insu ?


Le malheur des uns fait bien le bonheur des autres !!



Rdv le 5 Nov 2011...

1 commentaire

Cathie: on 08. oct 11

tout à fait d'accord

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